Unlocking Your Voice: How to Release Tongue Tension and Sing with Freedom

1108 Vocal Studio
January 3, 2025

For many singers, tongue tension can feel like an invisible barrier, holding back their vocal potential. This unwanted tension can manifest in various ways, from strained vocal cords to difficulty reaching higher notes. But the good news is, you can learn to release tongue tension and unlock a more resonant, powerful voice.

What is Tongue Tension in Singing?

Tongue tension refers to any unnecessary tightness or restriction in the tongue muscles while singing. This can include:

  • Excessive tongue pressure: Applying too much force against the teeth or roof of the mouth.
  • Retracted tongue: Pulling the tongue back and away from the front teeth.
  • Stiff tongue: Lack of flexibility and agility in tongue movement.

Why is it a problem? Simply put, a tense tongue restricts airflow and hinders vocal resonance. It can lead to:

  • Vocal strain and fatigue:  Increased effort to produce sound.
  • Limited vocal range: Difficulty accessing higher notes or sustaining longer phrases.
  • Unclear diction: Muffled or slurred pronunciation.
  • Breathiness and inconsistency: Difficulty maintaining a consistent tone.

Recognizing Tongue Tension

Identifying tongue tension can be tricky. Some common signs include:

  • Jaw clenching or tension
  • Feeling of pressure or tightness in the throat
  • Difficulty articulating consonants clearly
  • A sense of “choking” or restriction while singing

Effective Exercises to Release Tongue Tension

The key to overcoming tongue tension lies in gentle, consistent exercises that promote relaxation and flexibility. Here are a few simple techniques to incorporate into your vocal warm-ups:

  1. “Ah-Ooo” Exercise:
    • Start by singing a sustained “ah” vowel and use a mirror to make sure your tongue is relaxed down and forward
    • Gradually transition to an “oo” vowel, and keep your tongue in a “fat and flat” position, resting gently behind your bottom teeth
    • Repeat this exercise several times, focusing on smooth, effortless transitions
  2. “Raspberry”:
    • Stick your tongue out, and then flutter it with a puff of air creating a light, trilling sound (as if you’re a kid with your fingers in your ears – teasing someone)
    • This exercise helps to relax and coordinate the tongue muscles

Incorporating Tongue Release into Your Singing Practice

  • Warm-up consistently: Dedicate a few minutes each day to vocal warm-ups that incorporate tongue release exercises.
  • Practice with awareness: Pay attention to your tongue movement while singing. Use a mirror to catch it. Are you holding any unnecessary tension? 
  • Record yourself: Recording your singing can help you identify areas where you may be holding tension.
  • Seek guidance from a vocal coach: A qualified vocal coach can provide personalized guidance and feedback on your technique, including tongue tension release strategies.

By incorporating these techniques into your singing practice, you can gradually release tongue tension and unlock a more vibrant, expressive voice.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. If you experience persistent vocal difficulties, please consult with a qualified vocal coach or speech-language pathologist.

Sophie Jolls

Sophie Jolls

Owner of 1108 Vocal Studio

Sophie Jolls is a celebrity vocal coach and owner of 1108 Vocal Studio in Nashville, Tennessee. Founder of the Mix Voice Method, she also trains and certifies other vocal coaches around the world.

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