Level-Up Your Voice, Get Certified, Grow a Profitable Business.
Vocal Coaching Certification
The ultimate vocal coaching + business mentorship for singers who want to monetize their skills.
✔ Expand your own vocal range + learn how to assess a singer
✔ Nail every note + learn the secrets of a breathtaking performance
✔ Stand out in the music industry + get more students (without ads!)
✔ Unlock $1,000-$8,000/mo earning potential, even as a new teacher

The Details
Improve your own vocal skills, get certified in the Mix Voice Method,
and grow a profitable vocal coaching business in 2-4 months.
✔ On-demand videos + warmups WITH live Zoom coaching.
✔ Time investment of 1-2 hours per week.
✔ Annual membership.
✔ For first-time or experienced teachers.
✔ Our coaches have worked with: Britney Spears, Natalie Grant, Brandon Lake, Christina Aguilera, Danny Gokey, Taylor Swift, Kristin Chenoweth, Hillary Scott of Lady A, Dierks Bentley, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Chris Tomlin, and more.
14 Day Free Trial
“I’m so confident this monthly membership will transform the way you sing and interact with your voice better than anything you’ve tried before, that I’m offering you a 14 Day Free Trial.”
– Sophie Jolls
Celebrity Vocal CoachNormally $9,540
Yours Today For:
(Cancel anytime)

Introducing the Vocal Coaching Certification
The Fastest Way to Level-Up As a Vocalist and Get Paid to Share Your Knowledge
Get Instant Access to these Features:
○ Mobile App
○ 30+ Lessons
○ 60+ Vocal Exercises
○ Quizzes / Homework
○ Syllabus Handbook
○ Vocal Exercise Cheat-Sheet
○ Guided Practice-Coaching
○ Full Access to Community
○ Group Zoom Calls
○ Confidence Calls w/ a Coach
○ Mix Voice Method Certification

We start here first so you don’t lose students by guiding them in the wrong direction (Or practice things that are not good for your own voice.) Knowing how to identify vocal strengths and weaknesses is the key to being a teacher who is in-demand. The value of step 1 alone is worth hundreds of dollars, and for good reason. Once you learn this assessment formula, you will see just how easy it is to help others singers get amazing results.

✔ Voice Type Quiz.Learn about the vocal categories that apply to any voice in 15 minutes, whether you’re a novice or have a vocal degree.
✔ How to Interpret the Signs. No more wondering why your voice is feeling a certain way. Learn the ‘language” of your voice and what it’s trying to tell you.
✔ The 5 Categories. Familiar with terms like “Alto” or “Tenor?” This type of vocal categorizing makes sense for Opera singers or choir settings, but it’s only a fraction of the whole picture.

Angela N.
“This quiz is brilliant!! I just learned so much about my voice and feel like I’m actually getting to really know it for the first time in my life. I thought I knew my voice type, but I was wrong.”
“In Step 1 you’ll learn how to assess a singer within a few minutes, and even uncover some aspects of your own voice that have been hiding in plain sight all along.”
-Sophie Jolls

Master the secrets of vocal technique and pedagogy (anatomy & terminology) so you can teach powerful lessons effortlessly. Get the Vocal Exercise Cheat Sheet so you never have to guess the right exercise for your student. When you apply these cutting edge techniques in the Mix Voice Method… your skills as a singer and coach will skyrocket. Because not all singers are the same, and not all exercises are good for every voice type.

✔ Deconstruct Your Registers and learn how to transition through them seamlessly. If you miss these small details, large portions of your voice will be cut off and unavailable.
✔ Power and Stamina.Why singing LOUDER isn’t actually a good idea, and the surprising way you can increase the presence of a voice without straining.
✔ Tone and Colors. Subtle ways to increase the perception of tonal depth without pushing harder or causing damage.
✔ How to Sing Higher.Learn the simple trick to opening up more range than you’ve ever experienced… and it’s nothing you’ve heard before.
✔ Discover Your Style and leverage the unique fingerprint of your vocal sound. It’s the signature thing that sets you apart from other vocalists.
✔ The 5 Worst Mistakes a singer can make, and why you must remove them from your vocal routine NOW. Do this or you will never have vocal + career longevity.

Jeremy C.
“This is PURE GOLD! These techniques have helped me find answers to a ton of questions I had about my range and ability.
It even helped me recover from some damage done after using my voice incorrectly. Now I have so much confidence and peace of mind knowing that I won't damage my voice in the future!”
✔ Deconstruct Your Registers and learn how to transition through them seamlessly. If you miss these small details, large portions of your voice will be cut off and unavailable.
✔ Power and Stamina.Why singing LOUDER isn’t actually a good idea, and the surprising way you can increase the presence of a voice without straining.
✔ Tone and Colors. Subtle ways to increase the perception of tonal depth without pushing harder or causing damage.
✔ How to Sing Higher.Learn the simple trick to opening up more range than you’ve ever experienced… and it’s nothing you’ve heard before.
✔ Discover Your Style and leverage the unique fingerprint of your vocal sound. It’s the signature thing that sets you apart from other vocalists.
✔ The 5 Worst Mistakes a singer can make, and why you must remove them from your vocal routine NOW. Do this or you will never have vocal + career longevity.
“In Step 2 you’ll learn the fastest, easiest way to upgrade somebody’s vocal skill. It’s a roadmap from start to finish, complete with the ultimate hack – the Vocal Exercise Cheat Sheet.”
-Sophie Jolls

Our coaches have performed and worked with people like: Christina Aguilera, Natalie Grant, Britney Spears, Brandon Lake, Demi Lovato, Madonna, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes, Taylor Swift, Hillary Scott of Lady A, Dierks Bentley, Kristin Chenoweth, Post Modern Jukebox, and many more.

✔ Personalized Feedback. Target your specific vocal needs with our coaches and get stealable strategies that you can use for your students too.
✔ Master Any Song through the art of listening and mimicking. Use these tricks to deliver your dream performance with confidence and emotion, and coach others to do the same.
✔ 8 Elements of Vocal Style: Learn the stylistic elements that can be moved around like puzzle pieces to create the perfect moment that audiences will never forget.
✔ Consult a Celebrity Coach. Our vocal coaches have worked with some of the most famous singers in music. What would they say about your voice?
✔ How to Use The Try It + Apply It trick for instantly better tone, pitch, and control.
✔ Build Confidence and become totally comfortable exploring new vocal sounds in front of an audience.

Rhonda J.
“I’ve been teaching for 20 years, but would usually just focus on scales and technique with my students. This whole module changed the game for me! I feel like my students can actually sing now instead of just being good at exercises and freezing up for the actual performance. And the Zoom calls with the coaches are amazing. I’ve learned so much from watching them pull out emotion and expression from other singers. THANK YOU!”

Kolie D.
"I'm actually REALLY grateful for the exercises & coaching from you guys! My breath support has become sooo much better. I couldn't "belt" before, but I sure can now!"
“In Step 3 you’ll learn how to upgrade a singer from just technically good… to undeniably GREAT through the power of stylizing tricks that singers and celebrities all over the world use.”
-Sophie Jolls


✔ Choosing Your Location. Start making money right away by offering remote lessons from home, or build up to a storefront studio. Compare the pros and cons of each one.
✔ Pricing Strategies. Use this simple formula to determine the most ideal price for your lessons.
✔ Website, or No Website? Learn how to run a successful coaching business with or without a website, or with just a simple online booking page.
✔ Payments and Cancellations. Get a list of my favorite online services that are affordable and will help you automate payments and protect against cancellations.
✔ Taxes and Legal. Set up your business on the right foot with this fool-proof guide on taxes and legal questions.

Amy N.
“This was so helpful! It allowed me to get started faster than I ever expected and just have the peace of mind that I was handling my business in the most professional way possible. I’m just teaching from home on my computer right now, but it’s nice to have strategies for having a separate location too for the future as my business grows!”
“In Step 4 you’ll learn how to set up your business for the most streamlined success – regardless of your end goal and the size of your operation. These simple business systems are plug-and-play.”
-Sophie Jolls


✔Accountability. Any goal is easier to accomplish when you’re doing it with someone else. Check-Ins will keep you on track, and give you someone to report to.
✔ Prevent Vocal Injury with healthy singing techniques for your situation, reducing your risk of strain and vocal fatigue by 10X.
✔ Song Interpretation. Learn how to deliver soul-stirring performances that are really connected to the lyrics and music. Without this, the depth and authenticity will fall flat.
✔ Get Immediate Feedback and corrections during practice, so you don’t waste time practicing the wrong way.

Laura G.
“Deeply grateful for this beautifully encouraging community. Vocally, I feel stronger. But I’m also feeling a deeper confidence and stability than I’ve felt in years. Ridiculously grateful. I’m finding pieces of me that I thought I lost.”
““In Step 5 you’ll get one-on-one time with an encouraging and expert vocal coach… without paying extra for it. You’ll never leave one of these check-ins without a vocal and emotional breakthrough.”
-Sophie Jolls

Get Certified (optional)

✔ Convey Instant Credibility when a potential student (or their parents) look into your services as a voice teacher.
✔ Become Highly-Marketable and distinguish yourself in the industry, making you more attractive to future students and allowing you to charge more.
✔ Professional Development: Hang your certificate in your teaching space, or announce it to the world on your socials or website.
✔ Career Advancement: once you get certified, additional option become available, such as Joining our Approved Coach Community with a featured section on our website (more students!)

Leslie D.
“I'm so excited!! I have a studio space to work out of now!! I will be setting up regular hours within the next few days so that everything will be consistent, but having this certification is making everything so legit!!”
“In Step 6 you’ll set yourself apart in the industry as a certified Mix Voice Method vocal coach. You’ll attract high-quality students with this in-demand certification, and be able to charge more for your services.”
-Sophie Jolls

Student-Focused Marketing
While the Modules in the Vocal Coaching Certification Will Teach You How to Improve Your Own Voice and Assess a Singer, I Also Want to Show You How to Attract New Students and Keep Them Committed … So You Can Grow Your Business for Free.
So, I am Including a Bonus Module. Valued at $995!

Learn simple marketing secrets to find and attract the right students, and keep them committed. Avoid years of trial and error using these easy tips on branding, social media, and follow-up messages – including done-for-you sales scripts that will make singers BEG to give you their money. It’s the fastest, easiest way to make money as a vocal coach without spending a single cent on ads. You don’t even need a website!

Dione N.
“This bonus is FIRE!! My part-time vocal coaching business was making $270/mo before. But then I was watching the video on running a sale, and I paused it, hopped on Canva to create a simple sales flyer following the done-for-you script. I made $2,333 in 5 DAYS. Thank you for upgrading my life!!!!!!”

Here’s a Recap of Everything You Will Get Instant Access to So You Can Immediately Start Singing Better and Earning $$$
Step 1: ASSESSING A SINGER ($559 value)
Step 2: VOCAL ANATOMY + TECHNIQUE ($3,995 value)
Step 4: SETTING UP YOUR BUSINESS ($695 value)
Step 6: GET CERTIFIED – optional ($995 value)
Free Bonus: STUDENT-FOCUSED MARKETING ($995 value)
Total Value: $9,429 Worth of
World-Class Vocal Coaching Tools
But I Want To Give You Everything for Only
Why So Low? Because My Studio’s Mission is:
To Fast-Track Singers Into an Amazing Singing + Coaching Career, and Make the Required Training More Accessible for Any Budget. We Believe Anyone With Skill and a Strong Work Ethic Should be Given a Chance to Build Their Voice and Grow Their Business.
I know what it’s like trying to build a coaching career without the skill and confidence to COACH ANY SINGER. Fighting your own inner thoughts and battling a finicky voice is stressful. Whether you’re just starting out or you have been in the industry for years, we all experience imposter syndrome – as a performer and a teacher.
I faced the same challenges, but through hard work and some tough life lessons, I am in a position to help others. So, I have created the Vocal Coaching Certification to help singers and coaches elevate their career, sustain their vocal health, and have support in place to battle the negative thoughts. When your career is built on this foundation, it’s more successful and more satisfying!

“My #1 priority is for you to be blown away with your investment, and start singing and coaching better immediately.
Within 14 days of joining the Vocal Coaching Certification, if you’re not delighted beyond your expectations, cancel your membership, no questions asked.
I’m a coach at heart, so I want to help in any way I can.
14 days gives you plenty of time to go through all the video lessons, and join us for a live coaching call or two. I can’t be any fairer than that.”

*Please refer to our Terms & Conditions ffor official wording of our course memberships.
Worth $9,429 a year
/a year
30+ Challenging Lessons
60+ Vocal Exercises
Quizzes / Homework
Syllabus Handbook
Vocal Exercise Cheat-Sheet
Guided Practice-Coaching
Full Access to Community
Group Zoom Calls
Confidence Calls w/ a Coach
Mix Voice Method Certification
30 Day Money Back Guarantee*
*Save over $100 with Annual
Worth $785 a month
/a month
30+ Challenging Lessons
60+ Vocal Exercises
Quizzes / Homework
Syllabus Handbook
Vocal Exercise Cheat-Sheet
Guided Practice-Coaching
Full Access to Community
Group Zoom Calls
Confidence Calls w/ a Coach
Mix Voice Method Certification
14 Day Free Trial*
*Monthly plan does not qualify for the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Vocal Coaching Certification FAQ
Okay, I get the value of this membership and I’m willing to give it a try, but do you expect me to believe that you’re willing to drop the price from $9,429 to just $639 a year or $69 a month?
It is a big price drop and I get that you may be skeptical, but yes, $639/year or $69/month is correct. By offering this powerful vocal coach training in a hybrid style, we’re able to make it more affordable than private lessons. Our goal is to build more long-term relationships with singers so we can continue to teach them on their journey to build a successful career.
I like to dive in and learn as quickly as possible. Can I access everything right away or is each day's module released separately?
Yes, you will have access to all modules and bonuses immediately upon entry. Once you click the “Sign Up” button, you’ll be prompted to create an account or login to the app. Then once you enter your payment details and click “Get Access” everything will be under your “My Courses” tab.
How are the modules delivered?
We use a combo of high-definition video lessons, and audio warmups that you can do from inside the app under the “My Courses” tab. Chat with other singers and teachers, and get the Zoom links for live group calls under the “Community” tab. There are quizzes along the way to make sure you’re retaining the information, and 30-min Check-Ins on Zoom with our vocal coaches as well.
How long does it take to get through all the material?
Putting in 2-3 hours a week, you can get through all the material in less than a month. But most singers take their time, really processing each vocal breakthrough along the way for lasting results. You can refer back to the lessons and vocal exercises as your student body grows, so you’re always at the top of your game. You also get ongoing access to the vocal coaches on Zoom for as long as your membership is active.
What’s the Zoom call schedule?
We host multiple group Coaching Calls on Zoom every single month, rotating between myself and all of our coaches. They happen on different days and times, because we have singers in different time zones. We post the upcoming events under “Community” and we send email and text reminders. You’re invited to the calls as long as you have an active membership.
How do the 30-min Check-ins work?
This is 30 minutes of dedicated time with one of our world-class vocal coaches during a group call. We post a few dates per month, and you choose the date you want and apply for a slot. Singers are chosen on a first come first served basis!
I have never taught voice before. Will this program help me?
Definitely. The Vocal Coaching Certification will help any beginner, intermediate, or pro singer do things that they’ve never done with their voice before, and help others do the same. Whether you are just starting out or have an established teaching career, learning these industry secrets will take you to the next level and have a profound impact on your growth as a singer and teacher.
So this sounds great, but I’ve had training with other teachers before that didn’t deliver results. How is this different from other coach’s programs on the internet?
I can’t speak for other programs or coaches, but I can say that I have coached thousands of singers and teachers on how to up their vocal game with tricks that have delivered massive results for them. It’s changed their life in a very short time, using the exact training and mentorship you will have access to in the Vocal Coaching Certification.
The Vocal Coaching Certification sounds too good to be true. Will it really deliver everything you say?
I understand if you are skeptical. Unfortunately there are some programs on the internet which over-promise and under-deliver. I like to over deliver with my programs and give you everything you need to succeed. So, yes, this program will show you how to level-up your singing voice, get certified, and grow a profitable business.